Monday, September 22, 2008

What a day

My mum is just great.
It's funny how you don't appreciate people until they're gone, and then you go "Oh man life is so much easier when they're here!"
Luckily she's coming back tomorrow cos I almost lost it tonight.
Anyway, I was luckily saved by a couple of things 1) God 2) Stellar Kart and 3) this really cool band which my mate Chris told me about called Kutless. Honestly I wouldn't have made it through the day without all of that. I listened to the Kutless cd while I did my maths and it was just great. Really. It was awesome to find a band who can be so noisy and heavy, but when they slow down, get into their quieter songs, it's then when you really get into them. I just love their song Guiding me Home.
There are times when I stumble and I'm up against a wall/I can't walk through this life on my own/Holding ontonothing and searching for more/I don't need anything else in this world

You say tht you love me/ Always and forever/ You say that you love me/ I know I will never/ Deserve all the love that you show/It's the light that is guiding me home

I feel stronger in your presence and safe in your hands/Even though I'm oceans away/I'll take the life that you've given me and I'll live it again/ It's grace that defines who I am

I'm finding my way back to your shores/With saftey and shelter from the storms/ I know that you're guiding me through storms/ It's here that you're waiting for me/With another chance to......

Yeah so that was great. But then I couldn't go to bible study =( so I got a bit mad but luckily Nate showed a mean as version of Livin' on a Prayer by Stellar Kart. Man they are mean they so know how to stage a show.
So I'm all good now. I'm just holding on on/ holding on / RUN/ Life is going on, all around you.........
Oh I wish I could look that song up to. But it's to late.

Oh well.

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