Sunday, September 28, 2008

I do not belong

Actually that's a song by Kutless which by the way I'm SO EXCITED THAT THEY"RE GOING TO PARACHUTE!!!!
I was seriously bouncing off the walls when I heard the news.
Anyway to cut it short I havn't had the greatest weekend. I've been feeling like I'm misunderstood, and I don't really fit into the world very well.
Then again that's a good thing. After all I don't belong here. But while I am I want to do something. Life is for living, that's what I always say. Sometimes I don't feel like I live up to my own standards though. It's funny how you can tell someone something a million times, but when it comes to actually doing it yourself when you're in the same position, now that's the hard thing.
And to top it all off I REALLY want to write a song but the music isn't flowing. I just want to drown myself in noise.
Ok I'm starting to sound melancholy here. Sorry. I want to make a difference here, that's kinda why I started Mayday so I could reach people with our music. So far it's not really happening. =(
We've just got to keep moving on. If this is God's purpose he'll work it out.
I feel like Calvin at the moment. You know from that little kids comic. He's having a bad day and someone tells him "If life throws you lemons, make lemonade". He replies "If life throws you lemons, throw them back with a few more of your own."



Anonymous said...

yeah Jaws... but the cupcakes were superb. and even though the things you're doing don't seem to be reaching anyone its not true..
every time you pull me up and you're right (which is most every time you pull me up) i thank God for you and your example, your solid understanding of how it is and how it oughta be. i guess though like God taught Job through the tough experience of life & bad stuff happening He uses those same methods to work good character & His purpose in our lives. and I am so thankful to Him that He's put good soil in your life, and for the fruit you faithfully bear. I know He will complete the work He's begun in you and I know that your desires will be gained as you continue to submit yourself to His shaping hand.
hold on.. there is a place where you belong and that is in the centre of His heart..
and mine
love you

beka said...

but bro...Tim just loves baking biscuits! His only problem is, he can't stop.
anyhow, you're awesome acoustic song made a difference to ME so I think that you should play it to the world. so there so there so there. I was like little brother wrote that? wow...
I tell you, you're a genius.
so chin up!!
haha, man I'm cool

beka said...

p.s. I looooove you!