Tuesday, August 31, 2010


today was pretty rocking.

literally. finally had time to chill out and jam in band practice. :) was really fuuuuunnnn! we mucked around with this song so much that any listener will no doubt be very confused. Also it's probably the only song i've ever written with no recognizable bridge.

i think we got the most of it down though. even if it does include a shredding solo i haven't quite got the hang of, a couple of keychanges, some very (um) intresting effects, and a little reggae breakdown in the middle of it. i guess thats just how we roll. haha.
na seriously it's great stuff to get writing again. even if it is a mishmash of lyrics and tunes. it's something where there once was nothing, and it feels so awesome to get back into the habit. love it.

so yep. had a absolutely lovely day on the whole. made movies with my mates (something i haven't done for way to long), jammed out some more on the guitar, played soccer on the street, and ate way to much chocolate. :)

mm. not quite sure how to finish this so i will just say hasta la vista.
also happy birthday to daniel too! he has the skills for somehow managing to wind up with the same birthday as me. oh and it's brad dring (rapture ruckus)'s birthday too! man the 31st seems to be the day rockstars are born haha.
night peoples!


Monday, August 30, 2010

farewell 16.

whoo it's my birthday tommorrow!
can't believe i will be 17 eek it sounds so old...
wonder what will happen in the next year of my life?
will it be good, or bad?
will it be quiet, or rocking?
will Mayday get bigger, or smaller?
who will i meet? whose lives will i touch? what friends will i make?
all i know is that i'm looking forward to it.
no-one likes growing up. but there's a time when you accept that everything changes. the world goes on turning. people keep living.
so we do what we can in the time that is given to us.
bring it on.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

i'm happy

i'm happy that we have 18 followers on our blog!!!!
i'm happy that we have like 137 on our http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=598236247&v=wall&story_fbid=109753059082744&ref=notif&notif_t=feed_comment_reply#!/pages/Mayday/121566581209368?ref=ts facebook page!
(you people are AWESOME!)
i'm happy that there be only 2 days o' the month till my day of birth argghh.
i'm happy i can speak like a pirate!
i'm happy that les mis today was pretty awesome even if i did get slung over someones back like a sack of potatoes!
i'm happy that i got many awesome presents today!
i'm happy that there's a whole another weekend day tommorrow and it's Sunday!
i'm happy that Jesus rose again! (very extremely mega happy about this one!)
i'm happy that i suck at sending emails and nate is annoying me about it.... :)
i am also happy for my cool as friends, both on blogger, off blogger, and real world ones (not as many... lol just joking off course!)
i'm happy to be alive!
heck i might even be feeling happy for school on monday! (someone check me into the lunatic assulym...)
happy that i love blogging. it owns facebook!
i think i'm just happy cos i'm happy.
if you get what i mean...

have a happy day!


Note: the word "happy" has been used 17 times in this blog. actually, counting that last one better make it 18

Friday, August 27, 2010

i wish..

..i wish i could find my capo cos i really feel like playing "echoes"!

hi peoples

wow i haven't blogged for ages.
i usually start off like that ^^
school is still not getting much easier, but at least i'm getting used to it. got a merit today for my essay in english so i was pretty stoked. not finding the social stuff to well though.
i mean i've made a couple of friends but not many and i still feel like an outsider even though i've been there for a month...
gosh i wish i could talk as well as i can write.
right so band stuff.
our recording was exallontay! soooo much fun! really enjoyed it. now we're just waiting for the finished product so we can put artwork and stuff on and make it looks flash. also we've started writing a new song which is AWESOME! love writing new stuff! the problem is that we don't have much time to do band practice at the moment cos in the week school and homework stuffs up our days and i'm pretty much fully occupied with les miserables on the weekend. oh well only a couple more weeks of that left i guess. if anyone who is in new zealand is reading this, you fully should come. it's going to be an epic show! come and watch me get shot!! (note: this sounds bad but i don't actually die so i think we'll get away with it.... :] haha!) oh yeah and all you Americans out there can come to if you want. :)
soooo hows everyone else going?
i was going to write for longer but i can't really think of anything to say...
pretty excited that it's ma birthday in only 4 days! i'm going to stay home and play music all day! (something i've wanted to do for AGES!!) it's gonna be sweeeeeet!
love to all,


Sunday, August 22, 2010

update :

Mayday is finished in the studios!!! Now all there is to do is wait for the tracks and design the artwork for our new cd!! We are also thinking of having a gig to party over our new release!!! Give u a comment bif you have any ideas. :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

things ...

Firstly, out recording was postponed to the 16th of August dues to our lead singer getting sick :( Thats next Tuesday!!! :)
Also, we are in the middles of two new songs... very exciting
Keen as for a show.. if anyone knows of any possible places for us to play at, please inform us! :)
Thankyou everyone!!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The studio was awesome!!!! we spent the day working on some songs and got nine recorded!!!! We're all going back on Tuesday to do some mixing and yea. We had great fun and are going to get into writing some new stuff soon.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

just tommorow....

to all mayday fans:
we are proud to a dmit that mayday is hitting the studio tommorow to record some songs and release an ep!!! all going well, it should be good!!!
watch this space