Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Well I think that it's kind of noisy. Nate's drum kit that is. I have to turn my guitar WAY up so I can be heard. And the keyboard. Now that is practicly silent!!! Maybe I'm just too close to the drums. But personly, I reckon Nate plays them too hard. He says he dosn't play hard, he's playing real softly.
What a load of rubbish. How can something without an amp be so loud if you aren't whacking it hardcore?
It's silly.
And by the way, we can't hear Daniel either. It dosn't help that he's supposed to be our keyboardest now. We NEED that amp!
Either that or get N8 to play softly.



Anonymous said...

Oh yeah right Jaws if u want I can show you what "loud" means!

Anonymous said...

lol you guys are so funny! The drums can be loud because of the way God made sound waves to bounce and the drum is the perfect natural amplification of that sound! But you're right, you do need that amp for the vocals - they were drowned out before when there was only keyboard and guitar to compete with :-)