Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Day is Best When You Wake up at 6 am

Ah we did have a good day today!!!! I think the days always better when you get up earlier. Well, for example when we went skiing we woke at half pat three, so by 9' o clock it felt like lunchtime. There's more time to get stuff done too. It's great. Really it is.
Oh guess what? I have exciting news. I have begun to write another guitar song! I was getting sick of waiting for Nate and Dan to buck up and help me with one so at half past 8 tonight I just went into my room, picked up my guitar, and away I went. The guitar sounds awesome!!!! Or so I think. Ok the tune dosn't sound that great, but I can always get someone else to work on that. { Mwhaha!!! }
So yes. It was quite good. Maybe I should do that all the time. Better than having to wait for someone else.
Actually, being the lead singer and keyboardist in our band, Daniel should be the one writing all the songs. But he hasn't showed a great intrest yet, which to be perfectly honest I'm almost pleased of. Because I love writing lyrics.
So I'm chuffed about that. Me and Dan might put music to one tomorrow too. So yeah. Hopefully Mayday will have a few new singles out soon!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah Jaws is that how come Josh went to sleep so fast, being lulled there by your lullaby?