Sunday, September 7, 2008


Whop de do we've got our drumkit now and we've been going on about it for absolutly ages, and I'm sure someone is going to be fed to the teeth with it soon. (Well maybe not, but I just wanted to use that phrase hehe )
Well, what else have we been up to? Oh the other day I finally found a decent song title for that song which I started on the ski trip and finished on Josh's birthday. You wouldn't believe how long it took me to think of that song title. Nothing fitted. Not even one of the random titles Beka had written for me in January. (One of which was Blue & White Becomes Pink and Green When I'm Wearing my Rose coloured Spectacles. I have to write that one day)
Eventually I settled on Collisions, Decisions and Other Things
Cool aye?
Anyway I have to go and help out now, so I'll have to stop.
And all I talked about was one song title.
Moral 4 today (copying Mum hehe): You can rabbit on about the most pointless things and leave out the deep and meaningfull stuff quite easily.
Like the fact that it's father's day.
So this post is dedicated to my dad who rocks town.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jaws you are awesome