Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Skiing! Part 1

Wow we the meanest ever time yesterday!
I find it pretty cool that we got to go skiing twice a year. It really is such a great thing to do.
We started the day by waking up at quarter to 5, and finally our ride came. This time we were going to a different slope, last time we went to Whakapapa, but this time we were going to Turoa, the side of the mountain closest to us.
We got up to the carpark and got our ski tickets, and set off.

That's what it looked like from the carpark. But I left my phone in the bag so I didn't get anymore pictures! I was to busy skiing!
After trying a really easy slope, we went up on the first ride-which was called parklane. The skilift line wan't crowded at all. But no wonder, cos the ride took 12 minutes and the ride down three and a half minutes minimum. And that's if you didn't crash. Which we did. Most of the time. It was WAY harder than Happy Valley.
It was loads of fun though. The first time we really sucked and I fell over four times, before figuring out that you couldn't pelt down the mountain at full speed cos you wouldn't be able to stop really quickly so you'd either
a) Go crashing down through everyone and fall off a cliff or into a frozen lake. Or
b) Fall over and break your leg. (or at least hurt yourself.)

So what you had to do was do big zig-zags which slowed you down. Like all the pro skiiers you see on tv.

After doing that a couple of times, we had lunch then did it once more again. Then me and Nate set off on our big adventure.

There was this other big chairlift called the Movenpick which we decided we'd try out. The ride up there took SO long, honestly we were on that silly chairlift for at least twenty minutes. And when we finally got to the top, we relized (to late unfortunatly) that we'd bitten off more than we could chew.

I won't go into details otherwise I'll be writing my blog all night long, but lets just say I crashed quite a couple of times befor we got to the bottom. We were up there for about 3/4 of an hour. At least half of that I spent sprawled on the ground. I had a majorly big crash and really hurt my leg. Then I got suck halfway up the mountainside. Meanwhile Nate was waiting for me patiently as usual. Man you have to hand it to him, he was an ace skiier.

We finally made it to the bottom safe though. Then we went back up the other one. Me and Nate decided to race (bad idea!)
I crashed again and really hurt my leg. The same one to! Grrrrr!
So Nate was up like "oh man he's crashed again.' And I was thinking 'Ow my leg! The snow looks really cool when you're lying face down in it!'
Luckily someone got my sunglasses for me and N8 took off. I followed off behind much more slowly and we met up with Dan and Beka down the bottom..............
[to be continued.....]

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