Friday, January 25, 2013

One Week Under

This song came to me in parts.
The first hint of it appeared on a warm Sunday afternoon when I was all but ready to punch a hole in the wall.
Instead, I picked up my acoustic and bashed out a chord sequence which, while angry was still surprisingly delicate given the circumstances it was born under...
Unfortunately. I couldn't let "my anger out" even that way because we had visitors and I didn't want to hole myself up in my room with my guitar.
Even though part of me kind of did.
The next day, I thought I might be able to put some words to it, but instead I just went round and round in circles lyrically, pushing out dead-end line after dead end line. In frustration, I basically threw down my guitar in disgust and decided to leave it as a sequence.

So, born and whittled away at with hours pent-up discontentment and discouragement, it was fitting enough that when the words did come, one of the first lines was" I never let my anger out, it stays inside my head."
The rest just flowed from there, and I finally gave it a name today, which was, for sake of a better one, "One Week Under"


I never let my anger out
It stays inside my head.
I clench my fists, my mind resists and orders it to stay.

Today I wonder
Can I take this much?
Signs warn don't test the waters, but I do it anyway.

Is it too much to ask for to have something to keep?
Is it to much to beg for?
An untangled dream for me.

We put our problems on a pedestal
And took a ringside seat.
They're not much to look at but everything's at stake.

Its times like this I think of
What could've been.
People say to not look back, but I do it anyway.

 Dear God I searched the skies today
I'm tired of looking inside.
When you look at me, what do you see?
Am I just another stray?

Its true I search for answers
With more questioning
Some people say to not look up, but I do it anyway.

I ended the year how it began
Playing to no one.
I started the next one on the run
Afraid to face my fears.
I always keep the same old problems
My angered heart would know.
They hunt me down, I know my doubt
Would bury me whole if I lost hope.

 (c) copyright Jordan Gowan 2013.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

I have never missed anything so much....

Ok maybe that's a bit of an overstatement...

But still.

I've missed having proper internet.

And I've missed you

So this is my welcome back.... hope you enjoy the posting!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The first day of the year!!!

Oh my goodness it's 2013 already!
My head's already swimming with ideas and plans for the new year.

Hopefully it's a bit better than being disturbed by foghorns & drunken people, almost missing the countdown cos you're too busy talking to cops, and changing tires on the side of the road at 9.30 in the morning....

I ended the year that has just been by playing guitar by myself to a near-empty beach, accompanied only by the sounds of crashing waves and the rush of the wind.

And I'm hoping that this year, in every single way possible I will no longer be playing alone to no one at all.

It can only go UP from here.