Saturday, August 2, 2008

Why I love the guitar

Everything about the guitar is just amazingly cool and the more I learn the more I appreciate it. I wish I could meet the first person who invented it. Playing the guitar is one of my favouritest things to do. Ever.

The sound of distortion on electric guitars. The smooth clean sound of acoustic guitars. I really think no band is complete without a really good guitarist. They make everything sound so much better. In fact, I could go on talking about them all day.

But I won't. Cause that would be boring.

Of course, I wouldn't have thought so if one of the band members hadn't suggested that I take it up. And I've never looked back. Pretty soon I was using it in the band. Those were those low-tech days when I was strumming my Mum's old, battered 3/4 size guitar (with plastic strings [Arggghhhhh!] ) But I still enjoyed playing it. Pretty soon I received a brand-new RED acoustic guitar. It's beautiful. Then I got my electric one, as I finally decided we couldn't be a real rock band without an electric guitar!!!!!!!

Sorry I got carried away there. I happen to do that a lot nowdays. If I wanted to I could probably spend the entire day on my guitars.

Okay. We've heard enough on my guitars.

Today. Umm....well we played soccer. That's right. Pretty much all day. Which was quite fun, as we're all into soccer. Some of us even more than others. I also did my guitar practice..... =)

We also watched Alvin and The Chipmunks. I was wondering what wacky person came up with the idea of singing chipmunks? What a crazy idea. Seriously. How would you like it if the lead singer in your band was a chipmunk?

Not that I have anything against chipmunks.

So yeah. Of course, I wouldn't know anything about the guitar y now if it wasn't for my awesome guitar teacher Daryll. He also taught the entire members of Ground Zero their instruments. So thanks Daryll. (You rock!)

Oh wasn't this random. Of course, I have no further updates to do with band practice so I ended up just raving on about my favourite instrument!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jaws you are awsome and that was a mean goal you set up in soccer today even though i didn't see it i know it was great cos Nate told me and so did Dan
luv ya