Sunday, August 3, 2008

August Rush

Wow! I'm amazed with myself because I actually know what to blog about. It's astounding. Really it is.
Yesterday, after I wrote that blog about guitars, we coincidentally watched this movie. Which had guitars in it.
It was called August Rush, and it was seriously the most heartfelt movie I've watched all year. And the guitar playing was so astounding. There's this awesome scene in it when the dad meets his long-lost son, even though they both didn't know they were even related, and they have a jam together. Quite random aye, but hey that's movies for you. It actually worked really well. And these two guys, they were seriously good at their guitar. The kid was whacking the side of it like a drum and producing the most amazing sounds. With the help of some special effects thing which echoed and amplified the sound. Oh, it was just amazing. And then the dad said this awesome thing: Never give up on music, cause it's the only thing which can get you through the hard times. You can retreat to it whenever you feel lost. (or something among those lines). And i agree with that 100%. Then the kid(August Rush) was playing on the piano and organ as well-which I didn't relate to quite as well aye.
You'll really have to watch it yourself. Honestly you won't regret it. Unless you hate guitar. But then I suppose you could still watch it. Because in one scene this other kid smashed a guitar over this man's head [saddest part of the movie =) !!!!].
Anyway if you hate guitar what are you doing reading our blogspot? Haha.
And the funny thing was, we watched it in August. Isn't that weird?
So today we had to watch it all over again.
So that's kind of a follow-up from yesterdays blog. And I spent most of it writing about a movie. Oh well that's life for you.


PS. Save the planet: it's the only one in the universe with chocolate!

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