Thursday, August 14, 2008

Late night accusations - and the Olympics.

Well well, it's pretty late, so I better make this quick. What have we been up to? Oh - the Beijing Olympics will do.
The Olympics I really like, cause there's so many different sports held there. My favourite would have to be gynmastics, soccer, and synchrenised swimming. Although sumo wrestling is quite funny. Like boxing. I think it's rather stupid, making your hands look twice as big as they actually are!
The other stupid thing, is that all the soccer is on realllly late, which sorta sucks. Yeah, in fact, it really sucks. I mean, soccer is the meanest sport, so why put it on late? To make schoolkids be late for school, or what?
Another cool sport, is the white water canoeing. Man that looks fun. Why don't they put one of those wave tunnels in our local swimming pool? Truelly stupid.
Okkkkaaaayyyy, now I'll switch from negative to positive. By the way, why did they make batteries like that?
Okay, better read Mum's blog then go to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmm.. is that why you were late for school on Friday morning Nate?