Monday, August 25, 2008


Yes. That's me. I've been so busy lately I don't know what to think. Well I do know what to think of course. I think about being so busy. And then I get frustrated!
I'm so busy that the bees look like lazy slobs compared to me. Let's see, I have to:
Finish off my brother's birthday present.
Finish Daniel's present. (Very strenuous I can assure you)
Find a copy of a story which I helpfully lost about four months ago.
Write two, no three books.
Do my schoolwork. (Deep sigh)
Do my guitar practice.
Finish of my mad projects like my raft.
Do band practice.
Study the road code.
And on top of that I have about six books to finish reading and I have to chill out by txting my mates!!!!!
But at the moment I'm doing none of these, choosing instead to procrastinate and write my blog.
I think I'm too busy. I don't like being busy. Actually I have a love/hate relationship with busyness. I love being busy because there's always something to do. But I hate being busy because there's no time to stop and smell the roses. Very important. And there's know time to just chill out. Doing not much. It's when I'm doing that when I'm most creative. When I can write songs, and let the music flow through me. But if I'm busy it all just goes over my head.
And also when your busy you can't see the miracles that God puts in your path. It's like you're a high-powered business executive with a pair of huge clumsy glasses.
So I think it's time for a break. I'm looking forward to when the weeks over and I can do nothing without feeling guilty again.
And I can see the miracles again.
And I can look back and reflect on my business with a feeling of having done the job well.
But for know, I'll just persevre and stick at it till the end. And try to smell the roses on the way.


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