Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How NOT to ski.

The other day me and Nate got into a bit of a fight. Not that this is unusual. I wanted to write about skiing and so did he. Eventually we decided that we'd both do it. What a marvolous idea!

Well, I'm sure that I really had the best time skiing. Cos I already basicly knew how to do it. And I went down more than anyone else because I didn't need a snowboard lesson.

I had a bit of a problem though. I was over confident. On my first time down I thought I'd be smooth as. Yeah right. I was going WAY to fast, and I hadn't done it since two years ago. So I fell over. Then, much to my shame, when I neared the bottom of the slope, I suddenly remembered I'd forgotten how to stop. Now stopping is one of the most important things in skiing. There are four ways to do it:

1. You slide smoothly to a halt by turning sideways, kicking up a wave of snow as you skid to a stop.

2. You fall over.

3. You make a 'wide pizza' with your ski's. And I'm not talking about a pizza pizza here. In essence you put the front ends of the skiis as close together as possible.

4. You crash into the ski line.

So I attempted to do option 3. But it didn't pay off. I was sliding at top speed towards the ski line. And I wasn't going to embarass myself that much. Luckily I managed to swerve and avoid the ski line, but still wasn't slowing. I raced through the T-bar, which was luckily abandoned. I thought I was going to fall off the mountain. But there wasw a last resort. I crashed at high speed smack bang into a wall of snow and fell over. Nice one.

So after that terrible start, I eventually got better. Me and Nate found this mean jump but the slope wasn't steep enough for me to get enough speed. Really it would have been quite boring if we'd done the normal route every time. But we added our own variation to it. That's what I like doing. Finding something everyone else did normally and putting a mean little twist onto it. It's a case of one better.

The only problem was we didn't take enough pictures and Nate probably put them all on yesterday. But oh well. We had a great day. I really loved the snow. It was a massive landscape, practically all white except for the sticking out black rocks. It looked like cookies and cream icecream.

And on some of the rocks there were these massive icicles. Some were straight and pointy. Others went straight down like a pipe.

Oh, me and Nate went on the ski lift and there was this guy sitting up on the top of a cliff with a massive pile of snowballs! It was really funny. He didn't throw them at us luckily. By the next time we went on the ski lift he was gone. But that isn't surprising, considering the line at the ski lift was massive. We probnably spent more time on the chairlift, or waiting to get on it, than actually skiing.

We had an awesome day. At the end of it we were so wasted. But I guess that's enough on skiing. It was a really fun trip tough. Now it's time to talk on the other love of my life-guitars.

Na I'm joking.


Jordan =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! I knew you were in love!