Sunday, November 2, 2008

My weekend

Ok I have been studying my brain out this weekend. Along with playing pool, ping-pong, embracing my pyromaniacness, not txting anyone for a full day, and what's worse not touching my guitar AT ALL for a whole day!!!!!!!!! =O =O =O =O
Along the way I managed to cook up some mince (which apparently with the right combination of mince, nachos and sour cream tasted like catfood- I was severely insulted I tell you), managed to avoid getting pulled out in rips, stared at stars, tried whirling a fire-stick, got in numerous arguments about Pirates of the Caribbean 3, got up to question 120 in the 2006 version of the road code, ate lolly cake, looked at stars, slept under a ping-pong table, wrote out a sign in charcoal, played the most funny game of Supersnap, heard crazy storys involving rubber chickens*, got mad cos I missed a Kingston concert =(), listened to music lots, sung happy birthday, ate M+Ms, jumped over waves and got very wet, watched people try to light some sand on fire, avoided getting sunburnt, saw the coolest sunrise (it was red as!!!) got my photo taken, forgot my toothbrush, had to brush my teeth with my finger, walked through cutting grass in the dark, watched a very funny spoof of the Terminator, used a wooden plak as a fireman's pole, sunk some pool balls, read reader's digest, listened to 12 days of Christmas by Relient K which is the funniest song ever, had milo, used most of my phone's battery by playing a game, and had the best weekend I've had in a long,long time!


*It's complicated, I'll explain later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I was there too!