Saturday, November 22, 2008

Amp Number 2!!!!

Ok everybody this has got to be one of the most exciting bits of news for our band (apart from Nate's drumkit arriving of course.)
We scored ourselves that amp today! Dan and Dad stayed up last night fixing it and this morning I couldn't wait to get up and try it. Thanks Dad, you're the best!!
The problem was though the fact that it was a bass amp. So Dad said that it should be for my guitar.
I didn't really much like that idea though cos it's quite a bit smaller than my amp. But I gave it a shot anyway and was quite surprised. It makes my guitar sound WAY better. So now it's the guitar amp. And Dan's using my one for his microphone.
There's only one small problem. Seeing as Dan's on the keyboard he can't really play and hold the mike so he has to keep putting it down and picking it up and it's pretty annoying cos he misses out on some parts like that. We really need a microphone stand.
But otherwise it's all sweet. We are seriously up and running now.
Only a concert left t0 go!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yea it rocks aye jord?