Thursday, October 2, 2008

My guitar string broke today

I'm pretty stoked cos I'm discovering new bands all over the place so I'm obviously going to have to update my influences.
Also we checked out some of the people who are coming to Parachute, there was this cool as band called Arms Reach who kind of looked about as crazy as us (if that's humanly possible) and this other mean band called Smalltown Heroics. Kind of a random name but we had a listen on their website and man did they sound cool. Kind of a New Zealand version of Stellar Kart. I wish we could say that about Mayday!!!!
They have DEFINITELY influenced us (Stellar Kart that is) but the unfortunately the similarities end there.
I guess if there's a band we sound like it's ummmm................... I can't think of any! I guess that means we're original then. And I like originalaty. (If that's a word that is. If it's not it is now cos I've just made it up. It's very original.)
Anyway yeah. That's what we've been hearing.
Oh and we heard Moala's sole project today too! She's in Mana3 by the way. It sounded really cool. Except for I wasn't listening properly cos I was changing one of my guitar strings. Silly guitar. Since I got it about four months ago, all it's strings except one have broke.
At least I know how to change it quickly now as long as I have a screwdriver, a spare string, a decent pair of sidecutters and guitar tuner.
Musn't forget them if we ever have a concert.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when not if