Monday, October 27, 2008

$1 icecream day

Hello everybody!

I guess lots of people have been enjoying Labour weekend but actually up until about Saturday I didn't know it was Labour weekend. That just shows how well-informed I am.

Anyway today was extra special cos it was $1 icecream day! So everyone went and bought icecreams.
Me and Beka decided to be special and go get icecream in Woodville, so we went on a big roadtrip with a few of Beka's friends.

It was great fun.

And today we wrote the pre chorus of our new sog and we were going to do the chorus but ran out of time =(

We also went on a random run this morning which was about 4 km and I got so puffed and I've decided that I am officially really out of shape.
Having the silly ski injury doesn't really help much either!

Anyway that's about it for today. It was mint!

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