Friday, October 3, 2008

Failures and Violins make a bad mix

Guess what?
We didn't write the song. I had a feeling it wouldn't work that way. I just couldn't think of anything at all except not-so-great rhymes and the other guys weren't helping much at all. =(
So we ended up getting nothing done except playing the opening a million times and man did I get sick of that violin. Not that I have anything against violins really. When they're background that is, they sound really cool. They just can be, what's the word, squeaky. I don't like squeaky things. Well okay, mice are pretty cute and I like Guinea Pigs a bit too (especially the late Darth Hamster) but animals aside I don't go much for squeaks. Especially in instruments.
But we finally found a use for Daniel's violin in our band (Something we actually were trying to when we started our band; in one of our songs-Cling to the Cross -it was going to be a violin song. So after I wrote the words I gave it to Daniel to turn into a song, and the long and short of it was we didn't like his version so we stuffed it and wrote it on the piano and I said we could teach Daniel the tune and he could play it on his violin but he said he couldn't so I didn't press it and that was the first time we tried to put a violin in one of our songs)
Anyway, as I was saying, we'd finally found a use for Daniel's violin but what use is a really cool opening if you don't have a song for it.
Then Nate suggested we make it an instrumental but I didn't like that idea so I tried (unsuccessfully) to write it myself. It didn't quite work out the way I wanted, so I couldn't be bothered any more, and that was the end of that.
I think if I really want to get it done, I'll keep thinking about it until some words get in my head, then I'll write them down on a bit of paper in my room and then get out my faithful accoustic guitar, which I actually like better than my eletric on the account that none of it's strings have broken and it sounds cooler, and then I'll fit music to the words.
That's how I wrote I wish you Were Here anyway and it seemed to work.

Anyway, speaking of I wish you Were Here I'm thinking of recording that song. Seriously. I don't know if I'll be able to get it on my blog or not but if I actually do it, and it all sounds good, considering I'm going to record it on my tiny Mp3 (which for real bands isn't the best option but hey we're on a limited budget here.) , I'll give it my best shot.


Ps. Daniel still hasn't got an amp yet so we can't record anything else yet sorry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Daniels violin is absolutely awesome you just all need to work on fitting together and who carries the melody, who provides the beat and who does the lovely contrasty bits in the songs...
theres a word for it but its not in my head..