Thursday, January 15, 2009

I think blogging needs a few improvements

Well today started out with the bestest of intentions to do band practice. But then there was a garden to fix, weeding to be done, going to the dump, driving to town, a bit of guitar playing, moving tents, going swimming, helping with tea, helping Mum move stuff.............
So we didn't.
Oh well at least Nate's feeling better and there's only 8 days till Parachute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another mean piece of news is that Arms Reach have won the Wild card Competition and will be playing Mainstage Friday night!
I am going to mosh hardcore. Arms Reach are probably my faouritist Kiwi band!
One thing I can't believe is that in the whole lot of blogs there is out there, there is only three people on blogging that list Arms Reach under their favourite bands. One of them is me, another one's Beka, and the third one is some random.
Absolutely shocking.
I'd put Mayday on there but then I'd come up with all these randoms who have never heard of our band (unfortunately) but are followers of other real random bands out there who have the same name as us.
This I know because I attempted to google ourselves. It didn't work very well. In fact it didn't work it all.
Now if we had a myspace.............
Na I'm joking. The only reason I'd want one is because of those music players you can have on the side that play your music. They don't have THAT on blogs.
Not that it would do much good cos we havn't even recorded any of our songs really except for
I wish you were here but that version sucks.
Actually it's not much better now. Mostly because it requires constant practice and we keep forgetting to practice it.
Deep sigh.
So the only real reason I'd want a myspace is so I could google our band and come up with a perfectly legitimite website of us.


P.s Any worrying people reading this should know I am only kidding even though I'd love to google our blog legitimitly and get here. It dosn't work though.

P.s I love New Zealand.

P.s I'm still not quite sure why I wrote that above statement. Very true, but extremly random.

Ps I think I'll hit my sleeping bag now.

P.s Poor sleeping bag

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jaws you are crazzzyyy