Tuesday, January 6, 2009

17 days!

There's only 17 days to Parachute and I am soooooooooooooo excited!
I am so looking forward to all of the big acts (except Dave Dobbyn-I havn't heard much of him) but mostly Kutless and Casting Crowns. Cos I know heaps of their songs and a song is so better to mosh to if you know it.
And I am especially looking forward to seeing Arm's Reach. They are the coolest band!
I'm probably going to get their cd.
And tomorrow will be pretty mint too cos we're going to the beach.

Anyway, we tried to write a song today but it didn't work at all. I couldn't think of anything. Nate wasn't much help. He can't really be on the drums. He can't make up the beat for the song without a tune.
And Daniel, while good at playing what you show him, isn't very good at making songs up himself.
So once again I felt like I was writing the song. And I'm sick of writing songs by myself. I want us as a band to write one together. Like when we wrote Moonlight Shadows.


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