Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I hate newly sealed roads

Well today went pretty well.
We tried to finish off our new song-it just needs the bridge now. So we decided it was time for a guitar solo.
This took sooooooooooooo long to work out because I couldn't think of anything. The boys got sick of it and went away. Then I came up with one and we tried it out, and ended up writing half the bridge. Then we had to stop. We were honestly trying to find something good for 3/4 of an hour!
So hopefully we can do the rest tomorrow.
Once it's finished it will be our third best song I reckon.
Speaking off songs we've still got a few older ones to fix up. Cling to the Cross, Under this Sun, and One Step Ahead.
And there's one new song I've written as well.

By the way there is now officially 3 days to Parachute (practically 2!) I am so excited that Arms Reach are playing Mainstage. Their new song Tired Eye's, Soft Light is real cool.
I am so getting their cd at Parachute.

Well that's about all which happened today apart from me making a bit more of my random movie. I'm up to the opening credits lol. Hopefully I get it done before Parachute!
And me and Beka went on a random run tonight to which was pretty cool except for the fact that the council has stupidly put new seals on half the roads in our town and I hate them! (New seal that is.) Because every time you walk on them all these sharp stones dig into your feet and the tar oozes through the multitude of gaps and sticks to your feet. It's truly disgusting.
And it's even worse driving on it!



Anonymous said...

that is sooooo fuunnnyyy!!! you are loopy as - why run on the road when there's a perfectly good footpath lol! ;-)

Anonymous said...

yeah Jaws I luv your blurb! you should be a writer... hey you are a writer.. a writer of blurbs and blogs and songs!! isn't that awesome??

beka said...

because running on the road is like WHOA better!

Anonymous said...

yea jords, the road sucks, aye?