Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Everybody hurts (because they're sunburnt)

Man I am soooo suburnt.
If there was a picture of me with just my togs on I'd look like some kind of red alien.
And I was a bit stupid cos I didn't put sunscreen on my legs. This is because I thought I would be in the water so they wouldn't be sunburnt.
Nice going.
Now they're red as tomatoes, tingly as sherbet and as hot as a stuffed turkey in an oven.
I'm pretty beached.
The reason I'm so sunburnt is because we went to the beach. It was a pretty mean time, despite the burn. We did all the usuals: swimming, eating, sunscreen-ing (not very well obviously), exploring, covering our feet with sand, building a sand castle, getting some sand (for my catapult), and lots more.
Anyway I've got to go to bed now (not that I could sleep with this darn sunburn annoying me!) so goodnight everyone and next time you're at the beach don't forget to put sunscreen on your legs!


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