Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My serious blog (not!)

Usually Nate fills in the random aspects of life........ and I am the serious guy round here! It's true. I can't seem to stop myself being serious! But I'm trying to take life lightheartely. Which reminds me of a song me and a friend wrote one day [ we still havn't finished it yet haha =)!!!! ] and it we didn't really give it a name, but I fondly remember it as 'The Serious Song'.......

(Even though it was anything but!)

It kinda went like this: Why does everything have to be so serious?

It's so stupid it's making me delerious

And now my serious friend is here (I'm assuming that's me!)

I wanna sing a silly song, but he dosn't care.

And if that's not random, I don't know what is! Not that it's ever been a band song. Which is probably because (as I said) it's not finished yet. But I've always liked it. One of these days me and William should sit down and finish it.

But anyway, right back on to topic. Seeing as Nate in an earlier Blog pronounced me as the News Reporter, without my consent, actually, I better report the news.

Nathan has been begging our parents to get a drumset. His tactics arn't working as of yet.

Oh-update! Update! In other exciting news, someone who didn't want their broken amp has given it to us, so now Daniel's micrphone will be able to be connected to a speaker, allowing no excuse for a quiet singing voice. Now we'll be able to get up and running properly! Maybe we'll even record! (Watch this space....................... =] )

There's only one problem.

We have to fix it first.

And that's a picture of our band. Me and Nate are rocking hard out, while Daniel (who I don't think was enjoying himself at the time) is staring glumly into space. Hopefully this new amp of ours will spark some life into him and then we'll rock town (Quite literaly).

And that's all for tonight.


P.S I would like to thank everyone involved in helping me write this blog. Josh (for taking the picture), Nate for letting me write one, William for helping write the song, Daniel, for letting me publish comments about his singing ability (thanks bro!) and anyone who let me stay on the computer for enough time to finish this blog.

Gosh, I'm in a funny mood tonight! =)

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