Friday, July 11, 2008

A L8 nite blog (mostly about Relient K)

My Day......

Hmmm, lets see. It started with breakfast.

Na, that's not what I'll blog about.

Right, so I've been lovin' this Relient K song at the moment called This week the trend. As I've handily equiped myself with the lyrics, I can now share with you the joys of listening to Relient K.

And I just want to get mugged at knifepoint: To get cut enough to wake me up: Cause I know that I don't want to die: Sitting around watching my life go by.

How is that for a phrase? And at the moment, that's how I want to live my life. As if I were going to die tomorow. Though sometimes that's hard....

Like today for example. It's finally the holidays (hurray!) and I'd told myself to make every day of them worth it before it was back to school. Unfortunately, some of us managed to catch the cold. So I've been walking round all day sounding like an old croak. We didn't even do our practice, as our lead singer was to clogged up to ummm.... sing!

I't days like these you feel your life sucks. And your useless. You want to live every day to the full.... but some days don't seem like they want to let you.

It's annoying!!!!!!!!

I guess all we can do is just move on, and keep living. Take each day as it comes, and leave it that. Life isn't pefect. And neither are we.

Just Remember:

'Every Breath that I inhale is followed by exhaling.'

(Relient K)

And that's all my Random thoughts for today. On days like this one, thank goodness for Relient K! =)


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