Thursday, July 17, 2008

My interesting life.....(I wish)

Well, I thik it's unfair! My sister, Beka has a blog to and in July she has written a grand total of 38 blogs.
What on earth does she write about?????!!!!! There hasn't even been 20 days in March!
Sometimes I wish my life was that interesting......
Then again maybe I don't.......
Anyway today we were 'supposed' to (quatation marks inserted for full effect) do our band practice, but we didn't because our friends came round and we had the sudden urge to make one of our crazy movies (which we havn't done for a while). So band practice took a back step. Thanks guys =)
Anyway, it's not that I can write much about our band. Still no drummer yet. =(. As much as Nate wants to rock it out on the drums, we don't have a drumkit! We havn't wrote any songs for a while yet.
Which is probably what I should be doing now.
Then again, Beka has been living life for two more years than I have, and so she's probably more experianced than me [though not as mature =)! I'm joking buzz].
So now I wonder if when I'm sixteen I'll write 38 blogs in 17 days.
Who knows....


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