Friday, April 17, 2009

My life and other exciting stuff.

Today was pretty chocka. So I did what I usually do-procrastinate and drew superheroes.
I like this one........

We spent the morning doing a lot of work and umm drawing superheroes. And I did some guitar practice as well. In the afternoon we did band practice and finally finished our new old song. So now we have 11 songs! Pretty sweet! Only about 8 completly utterly awesome ones though.

It sounds pretty mean too.

Then I did some of my book and the rest of my guitar practice b4 we went out and had a pot-luck tea at Colin's, which was pretty mean.

That was about it.


P.s I also made a random music video on the digital camera of I wish you were here. Didn't go so great because the tape ran out before the song did. Also my multimedia presentation on my ancient laptop wasn't the best either. I might pop it up tommorrow though so you can see what you think.


mayday said...

random as

mayday said...

I'll say my superhero's cool though