Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Good stuff.

Loving life @ the mo!
Two concerts within the next two weeks. It's sounding good as! we got my ex-guitar teacher round today and he thought it all sounded mean!
And what else? Erm, I bought a effects pedal off trademe for my guitar! Overdrive/distortion! MEAN! If only I actually had a guitar amp! (I play out of a bass one! Kinda embarassing!)
And we finished our movie! We've been filming it for nearly a year now! It's pretty mean. The final scene was pretty dramatic. I died.
Oh and I wrote a cool song the other day, entitled "Ghosts." It's going to be a guitar song, with all of us playing the guitar. Sweet!


beka said...

how does this work? when nathan and daniel can't even play guitar...
and you only have two guitars anyway.

Anonymous said...

No I have 3 haha and dan and nate will be able to play like rockstars when i'm finished with them mwhaha!!!!!