Sunday, October 11, 2009

Concert Review #4!

It's seriously hard to believe it now.
4 shows and it's only October!
At the start of the year we were pretty much a bunch of amutuers with a few good pop-rock songs. Now we've improved tons! It's kind of strange, but I think our sound is even changing. Improving, refining. Whatever you call it. At least I hope so..

Anyway last night we had our fourth show of the year. It was definitely our biggest too - huge stage, huge crowd (well, 150+ =].. not the biggest but hey definitely our largest.) and a rocking set of three songs + an intro which we'd crafted to near perfection through lots of practice. We went early on Saturday to get all our gear set up. If you've read our previous post you'll know how badly Thursday went - and a repeat on the night would be a catosrophe in itself. (If you haven't read our previous post- go do it- now!!!!!! haha!)
So once we'd got it all sounding sweet (I won't bore you with the details) we had some chips for tea and went backstage.
Waiting was the worst part. Anyone whose ever performed on stage will know exactly what I mean. The dressing rooms were packed so we just had to sit out back and listen to all the people filing in. We couldn't actually see how many there was at all. Finally it started. I tuned up while Josh & Kezi did their thing before us. Man they were cute! It was spot on.
Three items later and it was our turn.
We walked on. I plugged into my pedal, checked everything was working, and we started our intro.
It went like a dream (the intro that is), and we cruised on through into Crash this Party which seemed to go ok. Except their was some kind of sound malufunction so I couldn't hear Daniel very well at all. =( But we carried on.
Moonlight Shadows sounded awesome from where I was standing (or rather rocking.) I can only hope it sounded as good out in the crowd as it did from on the stage. I used my distortion pedal to great extent. =)
And my jump even worked. Kind of. Well at least I didn't fall over.
But I have to say More than just Dreaming went the best of all. Even though I forgot half of what I was supposed to say. But still, there's just something about that song. It's not what we did writing it, or even playing it to that many people. It's almost as if the song plays itself, or better yet, God moves through that song. That's what I want to happen every time I start strumming the opening chords.
If you weren't there to hear it, =( bad luck for you, but no worries we're playing again next week at the Garden & Craft Expo so catch us there. If we're lucky, we might even get to play a full set!
Here's some pics from the concert. (Sorry Beka forgot her camera so they aren't the best! Thanks though Mum!)

It was cool to get feedback at the end. Some randoms came up to me and told me they thought we were good. This guy who I thought would be more in favour of the first two rocking ones came and told me he loved the last one best! (See, that's God moving for you!)
Awesome is pretty much all I can say.
The most annoying thing was when you were on stage you kept looking out and trying to connect with the audience but the lights were shining right in your face and you could only see about three people from the front line if you looked really hard. It was kinda annoying. When we came to the audience hall to watch the second half we found out that there was actually WAY more people than we'd thought!
P.s Thanks to everyone who came out to see us, or was thinking/praying about us. Your effort is greatly appreciated. No moshing crowd yet, but we're saving that for Parachute. Trust me, if they let us in, it'll be worth the wait.
Blessings in God,


mayday said...

yea it was an AWESOME night!

Anonymous said...

you guys rock but its God that holds you all together.. keep seeking the right one and the rest will fall into the right places.
twas a great concert! looking forward to the next one

Anonymous said...

It was pretty rockin aye?
