Sunday, March 15, 2009

How it went

Well it went better than expected.
Worship this morning that is.
I bumbled my way through quite a few songs, forgot to take my capo off and started playing the first line of the song in the complete wrong key. The last one went great though. Anyway, it doesn't really matter to much cos as my guitar teacher said, roughly: "It's not about the way you play, just remember that God will be looking down on you and smiling." So I remembered that in the middle of all my mistakes, and figured God doesn't dwell on perfection, he dwells on the heart.
Then George, our minister preached a awesome sermon about 'the Hulk in all of us'. You can tell a sermon's good when I remember it! It was basically talking about how we have things which we really get fired up about from the holy spirit, and sometimes we're afraid of that enthusiasm we have.
We didn't end up doing band practice cos Dad had a headache. We seriously have to get practicing cos we only have two weeks to get everything up to scratch.
I also finally finished my song today. Hopefully it works out, cos some songs just don't.
So. Today was probably the least busiest day of the week and we still didn't get stuff done!
Oh, the other mint thing about today was this really cool song a friend told me to look up. It's called Pieces and it's by a band called Red who I wouldn't usually listen to. They are like a hard-rock band, and kinda look sorta screamo (which is by far the worst type of music [if you can call it that!] ever.) But anyway this song was real quiet, like acoustic guitar, piano, drums, you know. It was real cool.
I never thought I'd say that about Red.


P.s Apologies to anybody who likes screamo. It's an acquired taste. I prefer to actually hear the words thank you.

1 comment:

mayday said...

yeah it went pretty well, aye Jords?