Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hello everyone

A weird thing just happened.
I clicked 'Sign In' to sign in to my blog, and instead of saying username/ password, which it usually does, it just signed me straight into my blog.
But extremly handy.
Right at the moment, I've been listening to Philmont. Their music video for the Difference is extremly funny.
Actually the most funny music video I've seen is by the Afters. It's a song called Myspace Girl and there's all these cartoon charecter's in it. My goodness, it's a crack up.
Hopefully we can one day make up a music video that good.
It'd be fun to try.
We have attempted one music video but it sucked. Honestly. Please do not go and look at it. Otherwise you will probably never come back to our blog again as you will be suffering a severe attack of "oh -that-is -so -pathetic." syndrome.
But it's true.
However, as I always say we are quite a lot better now.
We have quite a handful of better songs.
I will attempt to get some music on our blog though. It's about time we started broadcasting our music even if we don't have a myspace profile.
[Because if we did, some creepy person could start STALKING us and we would get rather worried and spend a lot of time underground avoiding our stalker.
How would we get underground anyway? Practicly the only underground place in our small town is the thing which goes under the railway and some people call it a subway but it's not really a subway cos if it was there would be trains roaring through it not over it therefore it wouldn't be the bestest option, anyway it's creepy enough under there already without a stalker on the loose.]
So yes. I will attempt to get something out there even though I don't know how on earth you'd put music on your blog.


1 comment:

mayday said...

hey jords i went to sign in just now and it did the same thing to me!
Lol that's cool