Sunday, December 14, 2008

I got up to 30 kmph!!!!!!!

Well today was real fun we went round to our friends place and made a movie. It was real funny. Man it's fun making movies. Then we had a massive scrap on their big tramp. As usual.
And somehow we managed to get the Head too, in a box of Favourites. My goodness, that has to be the most nasty thing someone's done with the head.
But don't worry I have a few diabolical plans up my sleeve.........
Anyway we didn't do any band practice. Cos we had a day off. I managed to finish Josh's present though, and I had a driving lesson. I drove all the way up to the supermarket and parked in there. And only stalled three times! And I even got up to thirty k! (yes I know how pathetic that sounds! It's really fast when you're driving though............)
Much less boring than yesterday. Haha.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah go chauffeur! may that ever be speed to u lol!