Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fight For Something that's Worth Everything video!!!

*HERE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!*

"Fight for Something that's Worth Everything" recorded off our cheap camera which happens to take videos!!!

We recorded it tuesday i think. not too bad a video for our camera though - have a listen, and see what you think nate


Anonymous said...

it came through pretty well for the terrible sound recording don't you think? we get the idea of it anyway though it sounds a million times better in real life of course. keep it up guys

kimberly said...

hmm...interesting vid. I can't really hear the lyrics at all (probably cause the cam) but it's pretty good. I'd say turn the guitar up a little and if you have a effects peddle or something like that try to tweak the sound.
BTW, I have no idea what you meant on the comment on my blog..?? Hmmm...
God bless: