Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another Sunday morning.....

I'm sick of life in the mundane.
It's like this -_-_-_-_-_-_ up down up down up down. Fall, rise, fall, rise, breathe in, and breathe out.
Which is more nesscary?
The stuff you take in, or the stuff you pour out.
Exhale, or inhale?
Or neither?
I'm so confused.
Why is it that everybody's in place when I'm not?
I feel like the lost piece of a jigsaw puzzle.
And I have no idea why.



C xo said...

Do you know whats great about being the lost piece of the puzzle??
Your the one that people are always trying to find. You the one that people always want the most. Ya your lost, But if we weren't lost to start with how can we ever be found??
Keep looking. xo

Anonymous said...

we find the extraordinary in the ordinary.. God in a baby; redemption in blood; the richness of breathing, eating, living in a world filled with nakedness, hunger and peril.. playing a game made from a cardboard box with a best friend brother. these are great days and i am so glad to be living in them with you.
you were born for such a time as this and God is preparing you for his purpose. you are not lost, you are in the palm of God's hand.

Anonymous said...

Thanks guys

Sam said...

...speechless again i feel the very same way