Wednesday, November 24, 2010

so far...'s not going so badly! yesterday i wrote TWO songs (well one actually and added some "oh" parts to another one but ssshh don't diminish my good feelings haha)! it was pretty awesome! i was also going to write one on monday but it did not happen seeing as i was helping my sister move. one of them has a pretty killer guitar riff in and the randomest guitar solo. oh and it's about procrastinating. of course.
the other one is a one our band has been working on for erm ages and it was vury good to get it finished!
sooo here's the lyrics for the band one:


I sit here in the silence/ For once I've nothing to say/ I'm inside out before you now/ You take my breath away

Because whenever I need you you're always there/ When I fall your love erases all these doubts and fears/ I'm reaching out and Jesus you're so near/ Now I'm lost in the sound of this silent prayer

Why must I always fight you/ Every single step of the way/ When all I want to do is/ Praise your name forever and always
(c) Copyright Mayday 2010

short but meaningful - just the way i like it! :D
and the other one with the killer riff written entirely by me!


I'll write it tommorrow that's what I said/ Never is what i think I really meant

And I'm procrastinating again/ And I'm waiting for this to end

I'm wondering if we ever had a life/ Outside of our social networking sites

Now my face is booked and my space is waiting/ Play it loud from the radio station/ I'm overworked and I've got to much on my plate/ So I think I'll just sit here and procrastinate

(c) copyright Jordan Gowan 2010
preeeety random really. but kind of cool. and it has a fact i'm procrastinating right now. Eeek! better get off the computer and do band practice!


PS happy birthday to Hannah from the USA! thanks for blogging about this challenge otherwise i wouldn't have even started it!!! :)

1 comment:

Hannah M. said...

WHOOT WHOOT, this made my day! I love the songs, Jords, you're doing an amazing job, can't wait to hear that guitar riff. :) Thank super uber much for the birthday wishes, you guys ARE amazing! "Procrastinate" is an a-m-a-z-i-n-g song!