Saturday, November 20, 2010

soooo the next challenge is:

i have had an idea!
starting next monday, I am going to attempt the John Foreman challenge. something i found out thanks to hannah at . anyway i'm very keen for this! it's basically when you challenge yourself to write a song per day. gonna be fun! probably most of them will be really budget, as my songwriting capabilities are severly lacking, but if i get any good ones they might get turned into ones Mayday can do! and hopefully i can find the time to blog my experiences. even if i will probably be much to busy writing music/ studying for my classics exam to do ANYTHINGGGG!
oh well it's gonna be sweet!
drop in a word if you feel so inclined to respond to this post. :D
blessings in Christ



Stevee Taylor said...

Have fun with that challenge! Who knows, there could be a lot of good coming out of it!

Hannah M. said...

Yes!!!!! This is the best news EVER!!! Go Jordan, go! :D Keep me posted on how it goes!