Wednesday, November 3, 2010

1st post!

..well for November anyway!
at the moment i'm actually supposed to be practicing my guitar piece which i'm supposed to be playing on friday. for music. the problem is it's super dooper hard!!! i don't know if i'm gonna be ready!!! it's that duelling guitar battle from the movie "August Rush." great movie! got some awesome guitar parts in too! my problem is i can play half of it really awesome and the other half just sounds out of time and stupid! duuumb!!!
anyway not quite sure how i ended up on blogger but i thought while i was here i might as well post up something seeing as my last blog was like 3 lines and got 4 comments! i was stoked!!!
lately i've been thinking about worship. i know this is a term that is bandied around a lot by the church and much affiliated with the slow songs. you know what i mean. the reason i've been thinking about this is a) i lead worship occasionally and b) we've been jamming out to a bunch of worship songs lately. not sure if this is even going to get us anywhere, but either way it's really refreshing. you know what i really think about worship? i think it is our moment where we can come before God and say thank you. thank you for making us who we are. thank you for life. thank you for the cross. i don't think worship has to be complicated. i think it's beauty lies in it's simplicity. we are just simply bringing our Father glory. as one example: my favourite worship song consists of a few lines, and the phrase "I could sing of your love forever" . the music is 4-chord stuff, so simple anyone could play it. this song makes me realize that worship is just praising the Lord. not only in our music, but in our lives.
Let me hear a hallelujah!
anyway better get back to my song now..
goodnight all!


1 comment:

Hannah M. said...

HALLELUJAH! I agree with you on worship! I was just thinking that, the other day, how we abuse words so often, and that comes with worship too. I didn't know you lead worship! Awesome! :)
Keep up the work, I SO wanna hear the August Rush piece!