Thursday, November 12, 2009

good times

so yesterday we did a photoshoot at the tennis courts - the last one while beka was 17! here's the pictures... they're awesome!
we set the camers tripod up and snapped pictures with beka's camera remote... crazy!
haha we had this red ukalale and jords was trying to rock it out so i stole it off him and started going crazy....

she told me to smile, so i had no choice...

more snapshots!
haha we were trying to do red's pose....
beka wanted us to take pictures of her as well, so i got this one of her and i love it!
love you guys...

cool aye!

they're awesome

which one's your best?



Unknown said...

Don't know how I end it up here, but I was wishing there was some mp3 of yours to download.

Cool photos, by the way...

Anonymous said...

Either the Hikido Force (however you spell that word) or the one when we're altogether and not doing crazy stuff.
