Monday, September 28, 2009

New post

Man I haven't blogged in AGES! Sorry guys, I've just been so busy! Work experience, band practice, guitar practice........
Na actually to be brutally honest I've spent half my time mucking around reading books.
I dunno what it is about me and a good book. You just can't tear us apart. Seriously. I cannot stop till the end. Unfortunately I managed to find a good book at the library so I've been reading it all day......

I'm a serious bookworm.

Kinda like how Nate's a serious Panhead. (no it's not an insult it's just a nickname for a serious Skillet fan)

Right so today I've been thinking about originality. In an over-comercialized world it's pretty hard to find decent original stuff. Take music for example. We ourselves could sometimes fall into a musical cliche. Even though I'm not sure what style we are but I'm sure there's someone out there who sounds like us. And sometimes my songwriting is.....pretty average. 2 & 1/2 minute long punk rock song. Soooooooo been done before.

Why settle for less?

I myself am terrible. Apart from Rapture Ruckus and the odd FF5 song, my music on my mp3 consists of rock, rock, punk-rock, rock and worship rock. Appalling if you think about it. Not saying that there's anything wrong with the stufff. Don't get me wrong; I love it. It's just my musical taste is so narrow and defined to JUST that style that eventually it all starts to sound the same and it's no wonder I end up writing songs which sound like a the Afters ballad mixed with the musicality of punk-rockers Runkidrun.

I need to branch out. Find new tastes. I know these guys still kinda fall into my classic rock formula but I really like P.O.D and Evermore. The latter have a mean song called Can you hear me? It doesn't exactly go how you think it would but it still works. That's what I love about it.

I reckon I should branch out. Any suggestions for bands/artists? 1 thing only. They must not be punk-rock. Thanks. =)

And don't worry. I'll probably be dead before I can renounce my love my punk-rock love. =)

Don't know what's up with the smileys.


P.s I think I should write a blues song.


mayday said...

you should listen to skillet more bro

Anonymous said...

lol you should listen to some mendelssohn or schubert or liszt
they are awesome... will definitely bring some uniqueness to your music if you shade it into punk rock!