Sunday, April 15, 2012


Weekends always seem to give me the desire to procrastinate.
So at the moment I'm blogging, on Facebook, and listening to my next favourite band, Broken Records, play five of the best new songs I've heard for a long time - instead of doing my assignment.
Admittedly it is a lot more relaxed than I've been in the past week. Basically all I've done in the past nine days since leaving Palmerston North to go on "holiday" is work on my assignment, and play a LOT of guitar.
Starting to feel like I don't have much of a life.....
All the other people in my year who've came back for the holidays seem to either be having epic catch-ups or posting pictures on Facebook about their epic catch-ups. So I've been feeling a little bit out of the loop this past week.
And it's not like I like it this way. It's just I've been so busy with all this work for UCOL I haven't really had time for anything else.
In a way, I really can't wait to get back to Palmerston and start feeling like myself again. It's weird not being surrounded by 30 completely unrelated people. I'm almost surprised at how used to the hostel I've got.
Yet in saying that, it's not been all bad. Played a few games of soccer with my brothers, busked for 15 minutes and made about $4 (epic achievement!), went to the beach for one amazing day, discovered my new favourite band (Broken Records!!!!!), got a bottleneck slide (one of the hardest guitar techniques to master I swear!), discovered my next challenge to learn on the acoustic (Genesis's guitar player- why are you so good?!), ate like 1/4 of a tub of icecream, felt fat afterwards, shot some BB guns, argued with Nate about who was going to buy the fish and chips, read a statement I put in a time capsule 8 years ago (very entertaining reading!) and helped bury a dead possum we found in our roof - actually wait up that last part wasn't fun at all. :P
Still, I find it hard to do anything without feeling guilty about this assignment hanging over my head....
Gosh I'm such a workaholic at times. I really need to be channeling all this frustration creatively and write some music with it....
Speaking of which, I've got those lyrics to write for my UCOL band too....
I can't wait till the "holidays" are over, then I might be able to have a break!!!!

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