Saturday, April 7, 2012

Every Saturday

Saturdays have never been the same
I still can't believe you're gone

~ Every Saturday, Seventh Day Slumber

A year ago from now....

Feels like such a long time....

We were so different back then. Things made sense, or at least they had the appearance of making sense...

Yet something wasn't right. I could almost feel it on the wind. Something felt disjointed, sort of not quite whole. And I so badly wanted it to be right. For me to finally be a hundred percent, not just floating around in the 80% mark.

It was good, but it could have been better.

And that Saturday, something spoke to me.

We were at Easter Camp, and there was a speaker on. I can't remember who it was, I can't even remember if it was night or day at the time. All I remember was who I was with, and even more so than that, what that person said.

It was essentially a sermon on Easter Saturday. Which I reckon is one of the most underrated, yet most important, days in the whole year.
Everyone forgets it even exists. To them, it's just another day. But can you imagine what it would have been like back then?
To the disciples it wasn't just another day. They couldn't possibly know what we know now. All they knew was that their leader, this man they followed for three years, and had given up everything for, had been killed the day before. And not in an honorable way either. He didn't die fighting for Jerusalem. He didn't die a martyrs death leading the Jews in an uprising against the Romans. He died a nothing, put to death like a common criminal, in one of the most horrible ways possible.
They couldn't have possibly known what they were in for the next day.
The speaker carried on. What would it be like if Easter just stopped there? If that was it? If Saturday passed, and Sunday rolled on, and the world went back to the same old?
Then Easter these days would mean little. It would probably not still be around.
But that wasn't the end of the story. Thankfully, for both the disciples, and for the whole world, the next day a miracle happened.

And there was one thing in all of this which really impacted me. For so long, I'd been struggling with this feeling of things not being quite right. And what this person was saying made perfect sense.

Sometimes we live in those Saturdays. We look around, and there seems to be no hope. We can't see anyway forward, and all we have to look back on is all we want to forget.

We can learn so much from Easter Saturday. But the most important thing to remember is the main point of that sermon: "It's Saturday. But Sunday IS coming."

All good things come to an end. I went home, feeling different. Feeling better. And for at least two weeks afterwards, nothing could wipe that smile off my face.
Then a month later, everything hit the wall.
In the mess of months which followed, this was all but forgotten as I tried desperately to piece my life together. I tried everything I could to make something, ANYTHING work, but everything sifted through my hands like sand. I could see nothing but Saturdays.
Then the best thing that could happen did happen. I was pulled out from darkness, and I could finally see something good. In that moment, nothing changed, but everything changed.

And yet....
Here now, those words resonate around my head. I think they will stay with me for much longer this time. We all go through hard times and hard places. Yet God never forgets us, and he won't leave us as we are.
It's Saturday, but Sunday is coming...


PS This post took me about an hour and a half to write, and it spanned both Saturday and Easter Sunday! Which is so awesome, cos it completely relates to what I was talking about! And I didn't even notice....

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