Monday, March 12, 2012

The happenings

So it's well into March now and I thought it was about time I posted something on here again. It finally looks like what little summer we had is finally over, cos the weather's been quite wet and cold lately. However that doesn't even really matter at my classes because the air-conditioning isn't working at the moment, so whatever the outside weather is like, it's always way to hot in there.
Into the third week of my course and it's still going good. Studying music is fun :)
The only problem I'm really having is this song by Buddy Holly called "That'll be the Day". It's an ok song, but we all have to learn it as our main cover song in the genre we're doing. And most of the song is so simple I could play it with my eyes closed. But then Buddy gets all sneaky and shoves in this ridiculously short and quick guitar solo, which I can't seem for the life of me to play in time. When I'm practicing by myself it doesn't sound that bad, maybe sometimes even about 80% correct, but as soon as I try and play it with the band, it never seems to work. And I've practiced it SO MUCH! Like probably more than any other guitar part that short!
And we have to play it live in like a week and a half....

About now is where I ask for prayer requests. :)
Hopefully I should have got it by then anyway. Man when that moment comes it's going to be good!
The rest of our songs are sounding really good though. I've had to translate saxophone solos into guitar solos twice now. Haha I need a pedal or something that makes my guitar sound like a sax!

Oh, and on a completely different topic, I went to Ashurst the other day with a group of friends and we played soccer! Which was fun, even though I hadn't played for about five months, and probably haven't gone on a run since then either.... Man by the end of the game I regretted not running more often! So unfit!

Anyway, that's about it from me....

I bid you goodnight!

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