Tuesday, March 20, 2012

7ths! (and movies)

Guitar lessons today consisted mostly of revision on stuff I already knew, though it was handy learning how to construct a chords using notes ( which is actually awesome for making up alternate ways of playing ordinary chords - came up with some mean ones before!). So I must have been looking bored or something cause the teacher flipped over the whiteboard and told me I should play some 7ths....
I didn't actually have my guitar with me for once cause it was to windy to carry it safely, so I told him I'd have a look at a few when I got home, and that seemed to suffice.
I didn't think I had any actually, but then I had a look at my chord charts and they were all there, in every single major key! I was a bit surprised by this actually, but then again I got those charts like 4 years ago and there's still chords on there I don't know even exist!
Well, I really wish I'd played a few 7ths before because they sound so AWESOME!
I found a particularly nice one, shoved it in a chord pattern I'd been working on and it just made it sound a million times better! I had one of those "ahhhhh" moments - when you play something which just sounds so nice you just can't stop repeating it over and over and you're thinking all the while "Yes! I wrote that!"
Oh and I watched John Carter. Good movie, entirely unrelated to my previous discussion on 7ths haha.
I'm pretty keen to go watch the Hunger Games too, despite being informed by James that it's copied off some other movie. I don't care, the books are awesome, so I'm pretty keen for this movie anyway. Unfortunately the night it opens is when I have my first gig. :(
Oh well, the music's more important anyway.

Peace out,


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