Sunday, December 13, 2009

Rockin' it up at Christmas...(or at least attempting to!)

Well the last two shows at the Fountain Theatre are over, and I can't say I'm disappointed lol.
It was ok, we did pretty good on the first night, and rocked up the tiny crowd of thirty on the second, but it was a little tricky getting all our gear out, and set up, and everything, for only 8 minutes of stage time. I approached it with this verse in mind "he who is faithful in little things will I give great things...."
So yehp. Wishing we could get a few bigger sets. Maybe with some other bands or something. Where we get to play more than 3 songs =) That'd be great.
Anyway, we played our hardest to the lucky few who attended the show =). We had a few sound stuff-ups in the second show but I enjoyed it more. We made a entrance from off the curtains, and started playing. Nate had a Santa hat on his drums and put tinsel on them, so they looked pretty mean.
Apart from us, there wasn't much else of awesomness. There was a bunch of random dances, a few good singers (our little brother & sister included. Cute!), some very intresting comedy duos, and a banjo-weilding bluegrass singer. No comment there. (I'm no bluegrass fan...)
Oh well, at least the experience was good, we didn't stuff up nearly as much as on Monday night, and the Christmas tree didn't make me sneeze cos I wasn't on stage long enough.



mayday said...

Sorry i'm so cynical aye...josh and kezi were good, and we actually had a pretty good day out on Saturday!

Sam said...

u kno whts funny?
i live in ky where bluegrass music is big & me & all of my friends h8 it i don't even kno if it classifys as music
does it?

mayday said...

not if you ask me lol