Friday, December 11, 2009

The News @ Mayday HQ..

I'm only kidding we don't have a hq. Unless you count this blog but that's online so it doesn't count...
I know I haven't posted for ages so that's what I'm doing.
There's this mean band called Sleeptalkers who are made up of at least two members from Arms Reach. I saw them at the Mumsdollar concert last week, and had a good chat with their keyboardist/guitarist on the way to buy a cd. Turns out his band are playing at the exact same stage we are =) Awesome or what? I told him to come see our band! He liked our name too....
After that I've pretty much been listening to their cd nonstop! It's awesome!
Anyway, we've been practicing all week for the Cracker Concert, which starts tonight. Yet another short set . Oh well, better than nothing. We're determined to make the most of it.....despite a dismal practice on Monday (we always have terrible practices! Don't ask why..)
It's finally has to be cos I've been wearing t-shirts all week =)
Oh, and finally we've decided to make a few changes to our Parachute set....nothing major just a few stuff.... so come expecting a few surprises! We haven't got to practice it yet cos of this concert, but once thats out of the way...
Just finsihed reading this awesome as book called The Shack. It was super extremely mega awesome. It had awesome pointers in it while still being a fictional book. You rarely, if ever, get that in Christain Publishing without it being corny/peachy/cheesy/cliched so when you do, you know you're on to something good! I stayed up late reading this book - I just couldn't put it down. And it made me cry! No book has ever done that. Some have made me laugh, or think, but not cry.
Go read it!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes! amen! i agree
PS what do you ever do ALL the time? lol