Saturday, July 25, 2009


Which way to go?
I really need a roadmap or something.......
I'm so confused right now.
Life seems to be going nowhere. Not much is happening, and I feel incomplete kind of. Like I should be doing something, but I don't know what it is.
I've only got one life, and it's not that long. I shouldn't be wasting it, but right now it feels like I am.
One question which has been spinning round my head is "What should I be doing with my life?" I'm getting older now, so I should spend at least a few minutes thinking of my possible career.
But nothing seems to fit.
Sure, I love music, but I hate the theory side of it, which rules out any option of getting a music degree. And I can't seem to think of any job I'd like to do.
It's scary.
I've been looking around for a new guitar and am going to check a few out from some guy next Tuesday. If none of them suit I'll probably end up going for the Cort, cos heaps of reviews say it's a mean guitar.
It's such a hard choice!!!!!!!!!
On the positive side of things, we got our recording from Jason today so we can start entering those competition's, and putting up music on our blog!



Sam said...

sweet can't wait
I kno how u feel 1 q how old r u ?

mayday said...

jords: 15, guitars
nate: 14, drums
dan: 12, vocals, keys,

mayday said...
