Saturday, July 23, 2011

hello (again)

Having a mean holiday so far! Been so busy doing tons of awesome stuff, that I haven't really even had time to do my tonload of homework! (Homework in the holidays is actually the worst thing ever, so I'm glad I haven't been able to do it!)
Anyway, turns out our lovely friends (who we're staying with) have wi-fi, so I decided to keep up with my intention of blogging more by posting a couple of blogs about our travels.
The first full day we had here we went up to the mountain and drove/hiked to the ski fields where we slid down the slopes on some random rubbish bags we were given and this real estate sign which we found on the side of the road. :) I thought we'd look like fools but turns out tons of other people had them too. Strange. Must be a New Zealand thing haha. Anyway, it wasn't really the most comfortable way to travel. The snow always somehow manages to get up your pants and freeze your legs off, and you are continuously falling off. Not to mention the fact we were all underprepared and none of us, except my little sister, had brought any gloves. So our hands kinda got a bit cold.
But apart from those minor inconviences, it was really awesome. Totally random, but lots of fun.
Hope you guys are all having a good week. Drop us a line and tell us how you've been going


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