Monday, January 24, 2011

second attempt

Dear bloggers and friends,

I really should apologize! I've been attempting to keep my resolutions about blogging more often and I have been posting a bit more than usual, but most of the posts have been short, slightly boring. I haven't really had my whole heart in the matter, which is quite pathetic. If you commit to something, don't do it half-heatedly! Do it with everything you have in you! Don't give 50% - give your all! As a result, I ended up writing a massive blog for you all, and then accidentally deleted it. :( So I guess now's the time to practice what I've preached by rewriting the whole thing. As much as Facebooks calling me (the darn things FAR to addicting!), I shall attempt to get on with the job.
I've learnt quite a few things this month. About cooking (never lean over a cooking chilli - the smoke stings your eyes like you wouldn't believe!), bike riding (don't go down a mountain bike track with a paper runners bike! - my chain fell off tons of times, and my cable ties holding the box all broke and we had to replace them with some random string we found) and music playing (practice really does make perfect). But probably the most important lesson I've learned was yesterday at Church. We had some intense worship, then a great sermon about faith being the currency we need to have - that those who are in the most poverty are those who lack faith.
Then I had a sort of epiphany moment. I was thinking "I wanna do great things for God!" then my thought instantly changed to "I want to do great things with God!" It reminded me of a scene in one of my favourite books, The Shack (one which finally restored my faith, no pun intended, in Christian fiction), when Mack and Jesus are walking on water across a lake. Mack starts ahead of Jesus for some reason, eager to please, but he finds he starts to sink into the lake. Jesus comes up and pulls him out and offers him an incredible line "I think you'll find it's easier if you do it with me." This scene always plucks my heart strings. No matter how much we worry about what people will think about us, or we think we're "not good enough" to do it, God is more than able to overcome our weaknesses and use us as he will! My all time favourite verse at the moment has been Phillipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" The emphasis, I think is on the "all" and the "Christ". Nothing is to impossible for us to overcome!
So long for now,


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