Saturday, January 8, 2011


Well here I am continuing with my blogging resolution, and after that title in BIG letters has got you all excited for what will be a most interesting blog, I'll explain what the "new" in "NEW!!!" is(if that makes any sense....)!
So today me and the crew (Nate and Daniel obviously!) headed over to Palmerston North to take pictures with our favourite ever photographer and all round cool sister Beka Hope (check out her blog + amazing work at It was super dooper fun - we haven't done a decent photoshoot for ages, and it's time we gave ourselves a couple of new photos to match our couple of new songs, the colourful artwork for our ep, and the all round summer vibe I'm sure you're all feeling (apart from our friends in the USA of course!). So anyway Beka's also doing the design for This Beautiful Disaster Ep and today we took a bunch of pictures which are going to wind their way in their somewhere! It's looking really good, we cannot wait to release this thing (where and how is another matter though.)! Unfortunately the stupid Mac computer started playing up (I personally prefer Microsoft, it works much better and is less complicated!) so we only managed to get one picture onto our keydrive before we had to go, leaving the rest of the artwork to be completed at a later date. But not to worry because it's the best one of all the amazing photos!
Love to you all,


Hannah M. said...

My gooooooooosh, I love that photo! Your sister has to be the most amazing photographer ever! It makes me SUPER dooper excited for the EP! Yes!
(I don't prefer Macs myself, what is up with people?!) :)

mayday said...

thanks hannah!! she is indeed very, good. Sweet!!! Once released, we're gonna try to put the ep on itunes so people like you can buy it too!!(: