Wednesday, February 24, 2010


there just seems to be not enough time to do everything...
anyone got that feeling?
we were planning on finishing speechless today but nope we went on a photoshoot instead. i guess that's better than doing nothing and we need a new pic anyway.
the latest news here is our sister beka is moving to the big (0r biggish) city so we will not be able to do as many fun stuff anymore. it is sad. we will miss you greatly beka, you are just to awesome! oh well at least we can try to play lots of shows in said city and then we can crash at her flat mwhaha. i have also named said flat "fejoia flat" because of the absence of a fejoia tree.
i'm just awesome like that.
also there is a show up in Auckland we've been invited to play at. however it dosn't look to likely at the moment but we really want to go cos it looks like an awesome outreach place. it looks great though so we fully support it and you should too! who knows, you might just find us playing a set there (God willing).


1 comment:

beka said...

Stop making me cry you silly boy.
Feijoa flat! Loooooove it.
Remember tonight, remember laughing in my car, and the side being banged in, and listening to the lads, and watching midget photos, and eating that icecream sandwich thing. and mousse with chocolate sprinkles!
and how we're best friends forever?!
i loooooooooove you