Monday, February 23, 2009

The story behind the song

There's pretty much a story, or idea behind pretty much every song you will ever listen to.
And so this is the one behind Fight for Something that's worth Everything.
This has undoubtedly been the hardest song I've ever written. And the most satisfying.
I started in 2008, near the end of a very confusing year. Heaps of stuff had happened and lots of tears had been shed. Not only by me, but by certain people I know. And this song is kinda written for them. It's a song about holding onto God, not letting go of what you believe in.
I also wrote it for anyone who ever gets the chance to listen to it. There's so many broken people out there in the world, and they're the one's we as Christians should be trying to reach out to.
So that's pretty much the story. The chorus was so hard to write out, I had this idea of how I wanted it to go, but I couldn't find the right words.
Then one night it just came to me. God pretty much put the words in my head. I flipped on my light, got out my note paper and wrote the first two lines down, and stayed up thinking until I finished the chorus. The next day I screwed up my other version of the chorus and finished of the song.


1 comment:

beka said...

that's the best stuff. far i love you bro!
kisses! you're the man.